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Energy Efficiency Through Industrial Heat Technology

Approximately 30% of the final energy demand in the Federal Republic of Germany is attributed to the industrial sector. About three quarters of this energy are used to provide space heating, hot water, or as process heat, for example, for steam generation, heating of raw materials and materials, or for drying and cleaning processes. The vast majority of the energy used exits the application areas in the form of diffuse or concentrated waste heat. Even in processes and applications where there is no need for heat and where heat generation is undesirable, waste heat is often produced through friction, conversion losses, or thermodynamic conditions.

Waste Heat in Industry

Industrial heat technology refers to heat generated as a byproduct in industrial processes, which is currently released into the environment without being utilized but could potentially serve a beneficial purpose for industry and society in the future. Waste heat is produced due to inefficiencies in equipment and processes as well as through thermodynamic limitations. The goal of utilizing industrial waste heat is to effectively repurpose the available waste heat for other applications.

Types of Heating Systems

  • Oil or Gas Heating: Commercial boilers are primarily used for heating large buildings. Whether oil or gas boilers, water is heated and then circulated to radiators, or in some cases, water is used to generate steam, which is then distributed through the piping system.

  • Heat Exchanger System: Also known as a warm-air space heating system. In this system, air is circulated by a fan over a heat exchanger. This heat exchanger is essentially a system that heats the air and evenly distributes it throughout the space. It is ideal for applications requiring constant and uniform temperatures.

  • Destratification Heating: This system utilizes thermal destratification, meaning it mixes the interior air of a building to eliminate layered heat strata and create an even temperature throughout. Destratification fans circulate warm air, ensuring that temperatures remain consistent at both floor and ceiling levels.

  • Heat Pumps: These systems extract heat from the air and pump it back into the building. Heat pump systems do not require oil or gas for regeneration; they work well in facilities that need to maintain a set temperature.

  • Air Rotation Systems: These systems move large volumes of air at controlled temperatures. Cooler air is continuously drawn in from below the heating unit, creating even temperatures throughout. These heaters are suitable for warehouses or other areas requiring frost and ice protection, maintaining consistent temperatures without the use of ducts.

  • HVAC Systems: These systems efficiently keep commercial properties warm in the winter and cool in the summer. These heating systems have compressors that convert refrigerants from gases to liquids, which are then circulated along with the refrigerants through coils within the unit.


Utilization Options for Industrial Heat Technology

Waste heat can be utilized for various purposes. The utilization options include:

  • Internal Plant or Process Utilization: Waste heat is fed back into the system or process from which it originated. This form of waste heat utilization is also known as heat recovery.

  • Internal Operational Utilization: Waste heat is used within the same facility for other systems or processes.

  • External Utilization: Waste heat is used outside the facility at the same location or by feeding it into district heating networks.

Technologies for Waste Heat Utilization in Industry

Industrial heat exchangers enable the transfer of thermal energy between different material flows, leading to significant savings in primary energy consumption and thus reducing heating and/or production costs. Modern industrial heat exchangers can take various forms, such as transferring heat to air, water, or another medium. Heat exchangers can be used in production to maintain certain systems at a constant temperature or to assist in the climate control of large offices. They not only contribute to cost reduction within a company but also foster a positive environmental consciousness.

Technologies for Thermal Utilization of Waste Heat

Key components for the thermal utilization of waste heat include heat exchangers, heat storage units, and heat pumps.

  • Heat Exchangers: These allow the transfer of heat from a warmer medium to a cooler one, making them a fundamental part of any waste heat utilization system. Heat exchangers are also used in various forms for thermally-driven power and cooling generation.

  • Heat Storage Units: These enable the decoupling of the timing between heat demand and heat generation. They allow for the temporary storage of available heat.

  • Heat Pumps: By supplying energy, these devices allow the temperature level of existing waste heat to be adjusted. This enhances the usability of waste heat for applications requiring higher temperatures.

Advantages of Waste Heat Utilization

Using industrial waste heat can increase energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. It can also lower energy production costs and improve the profitability of businesses. Additionally, waste heat utilization can create new business opportunities and enhance the competitiveness of companies. There are various methods to utilize industrial waste heat, such as heat transfer or using heat for chemical reactions.

Save Up to 40% on Heating Costs – with an Efficient Heating System

Energy efficiency is crucial for heating systems in commercial settings. We offer suitable heating systems for your business, including warehouses, large offices, and production facilities. An efficient and modern heating system is essential for new constructions, but modernizing an outdated system also makes sense. Moreover, energy-efficient heating upgrades can be eligible for state funding.

Funding and Financing of Waste Heat Utilization Projects

Waste heat in companies can be economically utilized to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. Approximately 30% of Germany’s energy demand is used for process heat, of which two-thirds is unavoidable. Companies can use waste heat internally within plants or processes to recover heat or feed it into another process. Internal utilization of waste heat is the best option for companies because it involves shorter distances and no dependencies on other processes or systems.


Implementation and Evaluation of Waste Heat Utilization Projects in Industry

The implementation of waste heat utilization projects in industry requires careful planning and assessment. It is essential to consider temperature levels and the amount of waste heat to select the appropriate technologies and concepts. Considering primary energy and potential savings is also crucial to ensure the project's economic viability. The evaluation of industrial waste heat utilization projects can be supported by the use of evaluation sheets and other tools.

Heating Installers for Commercial Applications

Whether you are looking for heating solutions for an office, school, restaurant, shop, gym, or leisure center, don't consider heating as a one-size-fits-all solution. There is no single heating system that is best suited for every environment. Instead, you should seek advice from accredited, qualified specialists in commercial heating, such as the team at JeviTech Engineering.

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